Version 0.17.0 Mar 14, 2025

External IDs for Contacts

Synchronizing your CRM contacts with your email contact list just got a lot easier.

Screenshot showing the external ID field in the Keila user interface.

We’ve recently added an external_id field for your contacts in Keila. This makes syncing your newsletter list with external systems (like CRMs) a breeze.

Previously, updating contacts in Keila required matching email addresses. If an email had changed in your external system, a new contact was created when running the next import.

Imagine you have a contact, Mario Rossi, with the email address mario.rossi @ In your CRM, Mario has the ID 12345 and you’ve included this information in the external_id field in Keila. When Mario gets married and changes his last name, you update his entry in your CRM to include his new email address, mario.bianco @ If you provide his external ID when you do your next import, Keila will recognize Mario as the same contact and update his email address without creating a new entry. No more duplicates, yay!

The external_id field is supported both for imports from spreadsheets and for API calls. You can also set it manually in the Keila user interface.