Dec 11, 2023

Double Opt-in

Verify newsletter signups with double opt-in.

Screenshot of a double opt-in confirmation email.

When you create a newsletter signup form in Keila, you can now enable the Double Opt-In option. When you enable Double Opt-In, instead of being added directly to your list of contacts, new signups have to first confirm their email address.

This is usually a good idea for several reasons:

  • Double Opt-In reduces the number of bots who sign up for your newsletter
  • Double Opt-In helps you make sure that all new signups actually want to receive your newsletter, thus reducing unsubscribe rates and spam reports.
  • Double Opt-In may be required in some jurisdictions (e.g. in the EU with the rules set forth in the GDPR).

Keila makes it really easy to handle Double Opt-In messages. Simply enable the option for your signup form and you’re good to go. If you want, you can also customize the confirmation email’s subject line and main text.